Protocol specification
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Users must comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations when publishing information on the website or using the website services.,The following information shall not be produced, copied, published or disseminated on the website

  1. violates the basic principles established by the Constitution;
  2. endangers national security, reveals state secrets, subverts state power and undermines national unity;
  3. harmful to national honor and interests;
  4. incites national hatred, discrimination and undermines national unity;
  5. undermines the state's religious policy and propagates cults and feudal superstitions;
  6. Disseminating rumors, disrupting social order and destabilizing society;
  7. Disseminating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terror or abetting crime;
  8. insulting or slandering others and infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;
  9. Those who incite illegal assemblies, associations, processions, demonstrations or gatherings to disrupt social order;
  10. Acting in the name of illegal NGOs;
  11. Destructive programs such as deliberately making and spreading computer viruses
  12. contains other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations
  13. Other behaviors that endanger the security of computer information network